
Wings over Wairarapa 2023 postponed.

It is with sadness that the board of the Wings Over Wairarapa are announcing that they have postponed the Air Festival which was scheduled to be held at Hood Aerodrome in Masterton from February 24 – 26 2023.

The Festival was set to draw in the crowds in February with the biennial show delivering one of the largest displays of aircraft in New Zealand.
Board Chairman and former Defence Minister Ron Mark, shared how difficult the decision has been for organisers to postpone.

“The board and management team has been reviewing the evolving situation with the impacts of Cyclone Gabrielle on the nation for some days. Being cognizant, of the level of devastation, and loss of life that has afflicted our neighboring regions and their communities, of where the priorities of the New Zealand Defence Force need to be at this time as well as the ongoing unpredictability of the weather, this is the right decision.”

“The health and safety of pilots, staff, visitors and all those involved over the three-day event continue to be our priority. Our thoughts are with those people who have been impacted by this severe weather event. Kia kaha.”

Ron Mark said, “an early postponement would also enable those attending time to adjust travel arrangements.”

Wings General Manager Carla Steed, says as soon as a new Festival date has been confirmed it will be shared with the public.

“We will be in a position to announce a new event date by 5pm, Sunday 26 February. We will not be processing refunds until the new date is announced and hope that people can still attend this incredible aviation event. When the new date is announced, ticket holders will be given the option at that point to transfer their tickets or request a full refund. “

“If you are scheduled to visit the Wairarapa for the weekend we highly encourage you to do so with so many attractions to see.” says Steed

Where to from here?

A new date will be announced by 5pm, Sunday 26th February 2023. When this new date is announced, ticket holders will be given the opportunity to transfer to the new event. While a new date is being finalised, we won’t be processing any refund requests.

Please keep an eye on our Facebook page and website for any further updates or announcements.


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