
Mosquito on it’s way out for the day.

At the Warbirds Over Wanaka airshow on Easter Friday, excitement filled the air as the famous Mosquito aircraft rolled onto the runway for its first flight. The anticipation was high among the crowd gathered to witness this historic moment.

The Mosquito, a well-known plane from World War II, known for its speed and agility, was about to show off its stuff. With its engines roaring, the Mosquito took off, wowing everyone with its smooth moves and cool looks. It was a big deal for plane fans and history buffs alike to see such an iconic aircraft in action.

As the Mosquito flew overhead, it reminded everyone of the amazing technology and bravery of the people who flew these planes in the past. The Warbirds Over Wanaka airshow always brings together old and new planes, and the Mosquito’s first flight was definitely a highlight.

When the Mosquito landed back on the runway, the crowd clapped, showing their appreciation for this piece of aviation history. It was a moment to remember for everyone lucky enough to be there.

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