
Welcome to the new

Today I’m happy… the new website is up and running and the code is stable.   I’m pleased to announce that after neglecting the website for longer than I should I’ve decided to kick it back into life.  The web has changed in the time since my last update so  the website has to as well.

Over the next twelve months I’ll try and have at least one update a week building up to one of the biggest events I’ve ever had the pleasure of attending. For more on that, you’ll have to stay tuned.

If your visiting for the first time or have been visiting for quite a while the site will be built up to what it used to be before life went in a completely opposite direction.

If you’re a pilot and want want to send me some snaps of your adventures you’re welcome to send them in.

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Online Editor

This post was created by the Online Editor a press release and media publishing tool created by Primal Media Limited. Got something to publish click here

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